Saturday, March 23, 2019

Fathers and Finances

This week, I’ve come to better understand the importance of fathers and the importance of providing for a family. I wanted to first share my thoughts about fathers. In mine own experience, I have been so blessed to have a wonderful father figure in my life. I have learned so much from my own father and I am so grateful for that. There have been many other fathers that have had an influence in my life and I don’t think I would be in the position I’m in today if it wasn’t for them and their example. Fathers are an important figure in our life because we need them in our own families. We need their example of leadership, sacrifice, love, service, and their many other characteristics. What I love about fathers is how strong they are. They are strong to take care of their family and strong in taking the responsibility to provide. My father has taught me to serve and sacrifice. This is something that I will always remember because it helps us to be prepared for our own lives as we continue to grow and progress. I will forever be grateful for fathers and their support that they give. I know that it is essential to have them in a family. How has your father or fathers’ influenced you in your life?
In regards to providing for yourself and our own family, I wanted to share this quote with you and it is from President Thomas S. Monson. He says, "We do live in turbulent times. Often the future is unknown; therefore, it behooves us to prepare for uncertainties. Statistics reveal that at some time, for a variety of reasons, you may find yourself in the role of financial provider. I urge you to pursue your education and learn marketable skills so that, should such a situation arise, you are prepared to provide." I love this quote because it is important that we do all that we can to prepare to be self reliant. Personally, I relate to this quote a lot because I have been striving to continue my education and attain certain skills to help me be prepared to provide for a family that I will have in the future. I know that I have grown so much because of it. I know that when we pursue an education and learn certain skills it will help us tremendously. The principle of hard work has always been prevalent in my life. If we work hard and do what we can to reach our goals then we can help our own marriage and family to do the same. What are some of your thoughts about this topic?
Finances have a profound influence on the family. It can create so much stress in your life because of the constant worry of making ends meet. If we effectively communicate to one another about these finances then it can be so helpful to make those ends meet. I do not have my own family yet but I think we all struggle at some point in our lives to be financially stable. As I have said before, those that are preparing for marriage and family need to understand that we need all the experience we can get to be able to provide for one another someday. Preparing is something that we will all continue to do throughout our lives. As we prepare we will be able to better manage our finances. What are some of the experiences you’ve had when dealing with finances and being prepared to provide for a family?

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